Battle of Little Orchard Fat Bottom Squirrel

YES... VICTORY IS MINE!!!!! Much like what's his name in Brave Heart, I fought my battles decently and with honor and many hours spent chiding our next door neighbour in the tree. I call her Fat Bottom Squirel of Evil Plant Eating. But I persevered, after countless hours of nerve racking and chasing the squirrel out of my patch of heaven it seems I have won. Either that or my plants have grown bigger and don't look good enough to eat any more. But I feel confident that its due to my will power to keep hanging on. Now the problem comes down to when my flowers will bud. I must battle on.
dude, that squirrel is the cutest effing thing ever. i don't think it can be evil. maybe your plants are crazy deadly mutants that will soon turn carnivorous and they have to be exterminated soon in order to save us all from dying. the squirrel's just trying to take care of it. he or she is actually good. i know it.
by the way, if you call her fat, what do you call this one?
well she has eaten some of my plants... so i do have a reason to escort her out of my plants... she can find a meal some where else... like the neighbours...
I wish we had squirrels too.. I guess there aren't enough trees and there is too much noise for a squirrel to survive in Bucharest. Though, I think there are in parks.
I wanted to say first "that squirrel is sooo cute...", but I won't say it because ruxi said that already :P Why is it that all fat little beings are so cute?
i know you're sleeping, but i want more bloggage!!! :)
i am de-preeeeeessed. :(((((((((
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