
Sunday, April 30, 2006

One minute thought

How is it possible to feel some ones love from so far away while you can barely feel some ones love that which you have touched and hugged? How is it that just the sound of that person's voice can comfort you and make you feel wanted more than that of a person you have looked in the eye and laughed with? How heartbreaking can it be when you come these realizations. For me heartbreak has come to mean an end to a vicious cycle. A cycle even tough comforting, not where I was ment to be. Not the way I was ment to treat myself. Not the way I am supposed to be allowed to love myself. I choose life. I choose to look up smile and allow the beauty that I see in the world come through. I Keana Costescu choose to smile and allow myself to be loved. The trick is to get others to love themselves. I don't feel I have lost anything. I have gained the heart I have always been searching for. "LOVE just one moment of your life like its the last moment of your life(Janis Joplin)."


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