fourth of july... YO!!!!!!!!
So for the fourth of July I went to the parade with the people I work with and the other staff. I dug it big time mainly because some people were looking at us funky. I work with people that have developmental disabilities. And if I catch you using the word "retard", you won't hear the end of it from me. Why? Because things aren't what they seem. People that are "retarded" and believe me even there between those two words there's a terminology difference. Between retarded and developmentaly challenged that is. But working here has definetly been very very very good for me. I am good at what I do hey and in my own way I am keeping the activist side of me alive...
Anyway back to the fourth of July bit. In the parade when the gay and lesbian float past by, me and my awsome co-worker were the only ones that cheered. Further down the street some other people cheered. Once again when the green party went by who were the only ones clapping and making a ruckus? :-D Me and my AWSOME co-worker. Than, I stayed at work two ours later so that some one can stay at the house for some one who needs to be under supervision twenty four seven, even tho he/she is sleeping. While the rest of the house went to see the fireworks. Maybe selfishly and egotistically I can say that today I made a difference in some peoples life, even tho it is just a small little fourth of July fireworks and parade. But I feel that if these people wanted to go so badly and want to badly to be part of the rest of the world, and feel normal, that makes me feel like maybe I did a bit of difference in a handfull of people's life. Ok enough tooting my own horn.
Oy vey class... I just LOVE class.
peace out yo
Where does the yo come from? From my co-worker, he always says yo and cracks me up. And I guess since I have done nothing but work with him its rubbed off on my vocabulary.
awesome. i didn't do anything for the 4th of july.
i was wondering about the yo, actually, i wouldn't have thought it strange if it had been one yo, maybe two... but you were using it excessively. :D
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