Scuze Me While I Pass Out
extraneous \ek-STRAY-nee-uhsadjective:
1. Coming from or existing on the outside.
2. Introduced from an outside source.
3. Not essential or intrinsic; foreign.
4. Not pertinent to the matter at hand; irrelevant.
DEAR GOD!!!! If haven't known stress before, I know it now. I studied like crazy and I hope I get an A on this test. I have to. In order to get a finishing grade of a in my math class, I have to do get straight A on the rest of my tests. Dear god, HariKrishna, Allah and all the others that can help me out please please please give me an A and tell me I am not a complete moron... If I can get A on this test, I know for a fact that my work is not in vain.
So for the love of god help a stressed sister out and tell her her work is not in vain. I will give up my gangster ways and never sin again.
so this will be the second time i use "lol" in my entire life. hopefully the last, too.
anyway, here it goes:
and as i was saying, i'm crossing all kinds of things for you.
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