peripatetic \pair-uh-puh-TET-ik\,
1. Of or pertaining to walking about or traveling from place to place; itinerant.
2. Of or pertaining to the philosophy taught by Aristotle (who gave his instructions while walking in the Lyceum at Athens), or to his followers.
3. One who walks about; a pedestrian; an itinerant.
4. A follower of Aristotle; an Aristotelian.
Here we go again. Feels like I am starting all over again. From the beginning. I just fell flat on my face for the gazillion and fourtieth time. And just like the last gazillion and thrity nine times where I stood up healed the scars on my face by putting ointment and bandaids, this time, count(gazillion and fourtieth time), its time to do so again.
As my face is smeared with the ointment and I feel better allready but a bit swollen I am wondering when the fuck is it supposed to get better. You know like the wise and deep saying it will get better. Fuck if I have ever had the chance to encouter that saying.
The universe is out to get me is what I am thinking.
that adjective is soooo you! it should totally be the subtitle of your blog.
watch this
You know wat? You should definitely start a club! There are so many people out there who feel crushed every day - myself included - that it might even prove a lucrative approach. And as we sit here feeling sorry for ourselves, people out there are living, experiencing and accomplising our dreams. Sounds reassuring, doesn't it? Why doesn't any of us "flat fallers on the face" lead the way to redemption? I guess it would be too uncharacteristic... Besides, where would the "whiny-community" then stand? On the brink of real life precipice? God forbid!
Snap out of it, girl! You know deep down that is not your real voice! Wipe the nose and raise your head! Give yourself a chance, for a change!
oh lord... i guess the voice of truth has spoken... heh... and who might you be anonymous? you sound awfully familiar... im tired of being told im whiny when im releaving stress... how i act and some of my thoughts are two different things... so you might want to be careful what you tell me there...
actually, i don't think it's her, it seems to be some other anonymous. :D
yes i know its not mom
who is it??
and did you like the prince?
i don't know who it is... but i know its not mom... i didn't get a change to look at it yet... will do in about half an hour
sexie... isn't it kinda over the top?
yeah, it's friggin over the top and then some! it is awesome. greatest pop song ever made.
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