You're a little bitch.
Push came to shove and you showed your true colors.
When I needed you the most. Or hell when another human being needed you the most, you ran like a dog with its tails between its legs. Way to show courage and compassion.
I can't respect you for that.
You're a little bitch because I wanted the easy way out but couldn't.
We both were in it but only one of us had the option of easily walking away.
While you laugh and make jokes and live your life, you can easily forget about me and that time of our lives.
But while I walk this forsaken earth, I still carry that burden.
Fuck you for being a spineless asshole and running away like a scared dog.
But either way I forgive you cuz while you are out there feeling all good about yourself I have to live with this.
But I also live with the knowledge that when something big and scary happens I don't run to my mom to help me solve everything. I can solve problems on my own. And realizing this makes me know that I would have hated to be anything but a stranger to you. I don't need any spineless folks in my life. That's not how I want to live. Running away like a scared num nuts.
hei...look around you...lots of people that loves you!!!!!!
guess who????
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