
Wednesday, December 06, 2006


a post by senor tavaloiu

Main Entry: 1) ileana

Pronunciation: \ee-LAN-nah\

Function: noun, real life person

Etymology: see behind the name

1 : human female of romanian persuasion who was once an angelic baby, loved by all, and remained a pacifist/refusenik/non-conformist within the family throughout her transition from childhood to adulthood
2 : one who is both funny and melancholy and an extreme people person
3 : one who though an ex-straight-edger is a vegan for life and has the tattoo to prove it
4 : a drama queen extraordinaire figuratively as well as literally; one with great acting and impersonating abilities (which she can use for good or evil)
5 : one who is somebody's favorite sister in a child-and-friend-at-the-same-time kind of way

synonyms maslinuta, veioza, ilenoza, gica petrescu, piulita georgica

and since i promised poetry and "bard" is my middle name or something

--> an ileana haiku:

my sister - not just
funny and melancholy
but much more complex!


Blogger Maslina Si Cartoful said...

Oh my god.. that is hillarious...


7:43 AM  

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