Its been four years since my last entry. I am much wiser much cuter much... Ok ok so I'm the same dipshit I was four years ago. But an older dipshit. I now have a very very cute doggie. I came back because my sister reminded me I used to write in here. And I spent a good part of an hour laughing at the older posts I had written with some Facebook friends. Yes in the four years that I was gone Zuckerbooger invented Facebook and I like many idiots on this planet I am addicted to the watered down dumbed down version of myspace. I wonder what because of myspace, not that I gonna google it and let you peoples know. The dog and this guy named James decided that for some reason they should love me. Going to school and maybe one of these years I will actually stop taking classes and have an actual career. That's if I can get it together. As the saying goes in this day and era "peace out"