
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Revisiting, Memories of France

Ok, I realize that the following makes me very very very American but I can't help it. The size of our hotel room in France amazed me. It was fine to sleep and live in, I din't mind that, but the sheer smallness of it was funny to me. Not to mention that I think the French, among having a great produce market and great fries, have come up with a cure for claustrophobia. And why haven't the Americans caught on? Because this is only for those that are not obese... Here is the cure for such a problem. You ready? The solution for someone who tends to be claustrophobic is........ Stick 'em in a closet like this, you are seeing this correctly, the toilet and the shower are seperate AND the size of a small walk in closet. *shudder*

In this case I so commend the Americans' "need" for space in a bathroom. I am getting older and I find myself picky in that domain (the way I would feel comfortable in a bathroom).

Saturday, December 30, 2006

One bum knee & One Lame Leg(france)

Here I am greeting the people of Paris. Much like expected, they were thrilled and amazed to see me. AKA, this was taken from a huge hanging garden somewhereabouts of PARIS(read Pari), i think, and yes, yes it was colder than you know what.

Ok at some point of my nice trip, my legs literally decided to give up on me. It started with right knee hurting like ... and than the left knee decided to not leave the right knee be lonesome, so they decided to both protest that this is not a good time to be walking. I also have to mention that most of getting around either had to be walked or a metro to be taken... Which "fortunatly" for me meant lots and lots of stairs. You do the math. One bum knee & One Lame Leg(france). VIVE LA FRANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It would be really silly to go to France and not eat any chocolate whatsoever. A yummy vegetarian restaurant had Vegan mousse... Yes dear friends that is the face of enjoyment. It was chilled, fluffy(airy), and perfect. After hobbling to our hotel room we went to Germany, in the place where my sister resides.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


a post by senor tavaloiu

Main Entry: 1) ileana

Pronunciation: \ee-LAN-nah\

Function: noun, real life person

Etymology: see behind the name

1 : human female of romanian persuasion who was once an angelic baby, loved by all, and remained a pacifist/refusenik/non-conformist within the family throughout her transition from childhood to adulthood
2 : one who is both funny and melancholy and an extreme people person
3 : one who though an ex-straight-edger is a vegan for life and has the tattoo to prove it
4 : a drama queen extraordinaire figuratively as well as literally; one with great acting and impersonating abilities (which she can use for good or evil)
5 : one who is somebody's favorite sister in a child-and-friend-at-the-same-time kind of way

synonyms maslinuta, veioza, ilenoza, gica petrescu, piulita georgica

and since i promised poetry and "bard" is my middle name or something

--> an ileana haiku:

my sister - not just
funny and melancholy
but much more complex!

Sfantul Nicolae/St.Nicholas

I have always loved this day. It was one of the less superficial holiday I have grown up with. I remember as a little child just wainting and waiting and being told about this guy who leaves presents in boots. The idea of leaving presents in some ones boots was such a novel wonderfull idea.

Now I am grown up and still love to pretend and play along. It gives me a feeling of being a kid but I feel like its worth while to keep this going? Bujor? Weren't you speaking of rituals? This is one ritual I can do without but in a strange way keeping the ritual keeps me happy and hoping for someting better.

If you have been nice and you would like to write santa a letter, he now has a website, please feel free to drop him a line: