why oh why?
Lord help me the more I live in this world the more frustrated I get. Why? Well we can have a cell phone be basically a damn computer BUT humanity is just getting worse and worse. And if humanity is getting worse and worse in the states? I am scared to think what happens in other parts of the world. Actually we know a little too well Palestine, Israel, stuff on the African continent. Hate hate and more hate. Im tired of hearing stories of nothing but hate. Sure there are those that do good but how bout time to hear that by some miraculous reason people decided this fighting and this arguing like school children isn't getting us any where. How bout we stop and sit and talk. God damn im so so so tired of adults showing the younger generation that hateful speech and a "holier than thou" attitude is the way to go. Enough is enough people. GROW THE FUCK UP and stop flinging your own poop.
And if by some reason you think you are one of the better educated I say to you stop being full of shit. Sure money got you to a place you are now BUT that does not mean you know everything. It doesn't mean if you tend to be more progressive than others that you are on the safe side of ignorance. Safe side means that you are not ignorant. Trust me there are things you don't realize you are very wrong and ignorant. Some things that you say to your friends, those people go... Uhm right!!! You come across as a jerk but because you are so refined and set in your place they know better than to say anything.
Moral of the story? Who ever you are question it now and again. Do yourself and the world a favor. Be more aware of who you are.
Im tired of befriending people who get stuck in this zone of I know everything now. And I stop because its hard to question and ask wtf is going on.
Am I crazy? Most likely and I am ok with that but... that's as good as I get.