
Wednesday, September 27, 2006


ostensible \ah-STEN-suh-bul\,


Represented or appearing to be true, but not necessarily so.

so this is kind of creepy... linked to what i dreamt on friday and what i wrote on monday...... a friend from high school sent me the link below...

Monday, September 25, 2006

Me Use My Head Someday

vertiginous \vur-TIJ-uh-nuhs\,


1. Affected with vertigo; giddy; dizzy.
2. Causing or tending to cause dizziness.
3. Turning round; whirling; revolving.
4. Inclined to change quickly or frequently; inconstant.

Oh baby, CLASS CLASS CLASS. HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORAY. Or better yet just shoot me now. I do not want to be awake or walking around. I want to be laying in front of the TV with a bag of pretzels and a soda like all normal people. Or half eaten by wild dogs. Which ever comes first. But no Class, Gym, work. Since When have I achieved that much sought after life of an adult? responsibilities,responsibilities, responsibilities, ROCK ON NO LIFE!!!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

workin it

stanch \STONCH; STANCH\,

transitive verb:

To stop the flowing of; to check in its course; also, to stop the flowing of blood from; as, "to stanch a wound."

Friday, September 22, 2006

Dusty Children

This dream caused me to sleep in and almost miss my bus.

Dreaming of poor dusty children on trains. Dreaming of children on trains so dirty that they are black from dust. Afraid of them really. Running to catch some sort of train amongst all these trains. And running away from the kids all at the same time.Tying not to get mugged? beaten? killed? I am not sure why the fear.

opprobrium \uh-PRO-bree-uhm\,

1. Disgrace; infamy; reproach mingled with contempt.
2. A cause or object of reproach or disgrace.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Thursday, Solace, Coffee Vitamins and a couple of Hamsters

solace \SOL-is\,

1. Comfort in time of grief; alleviation of grief or anxiety.
2. That which relieves in distress; that which cheers or consoles; a source of relief.
3. To comfort or cheer in grief or affliction; to console.
4. To allay; to soothe; as, "to solace grief."


Coffee has become my new best friend. In the morning my routine has been my cup of "joe" and my vitamins.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wednesday, The Clowns Still March In, Eyes Still Popping Out of My Head


\KAT-uh-rakt\, noun:

1. A great fall of water over a precipice; a large waterfall.
2. A downpour; a flood.
3. A clouding or opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, which obstructs the passage of light.

Every time I make it to class I congratulate myself. Not only because it takes me about an hour and a half to get to class by bus(a ride that would normally take about twenty minutes from one end of town to the other) but because I actually do my homework and wake up early enough to make sure everything is done. IF you are one of the few that used to have to struggle with me to do just one problem, you should be amazed. To me homework used to be like Fear Factor. U knooow when they make you eat all sort of NASTY NASTY stuff. Like having to eat squids insides with pigs blood and soaked in cow bile. Not that I am exagerating at all or anything, but still KUDOS to me to finally giving a shit about my education. Its payed for might as well take advantage if it, right?

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


improvident \im-PROV-uh-duhnt; -dent\,


Lacking foresight or forethought; not foreseeing or providing for the future; negligent or thoughtless.

I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head. Trying to stay on top of it all. Its crazy. For some odd reason I am doing well. Even though a lot of people don't believe it is taking place, this phenomenon of Ileana Costescu growing up. It is actually happening.


Monday, September 18, 2006

The clowns Come Marching In

commodious \kuh-MOH-dee-us\,

Comfortably or conveniently spacious; roomy; as, a commodious house.

Idiot Savants of the world unite. My PSY class shouldn't be called Master STudent, it should be called United Class Clown Nations. And I must admit I fit right in. A while back I was just like the National Clown in my class. Young, smart, funny, and a major pain in the ass. Math class going well. I am actually doing what I am supposed to be doing. And frankly I am enjoying the struggle.

And on the front of health. Well, that remains to be seen at the end of the semester. So far so good. Taking vitamins... taking care of what I eat, making sure I exercise, etc. No way am I getting sick and not having a succesful semester. I am determined.
Adios amigos,
